What Is Brass Pipe Used For?
Brass pipe has a long history of applications. Though copper piping has taken its place in many of those applications, brass pipe is nonetheless still used in many industries. Its popularity is largely due to its corrosion-resistant properties and durability against heat and water exposure. Plus, technicians are often able to create a tighter seal with brass pipe due to it being a soft metal.
Downside to Brass Piping
Brass does have one significant drawback. Because it is an alloy, meaning it is made up of a blend of metals, lead may be present in its composition. The presence of lead, which is highly toxic, means certain varieties of brass pipe cannot be used in drinking water applications. There are, however, lead-free varieties that can be used as such.
Common Applications of Brass Pipe
Brass pipe can be found in residential homes, particularly older homes, and is used for water supply, water removal, and gas lines. Modern homes typically have the copper updates, but brass piping is still relevant to the industry.
Where to Find Brass Piping for Your Business
If your business works with brass pipe, you’ll find a reliable vendor at Florida Industrial Products (FIP). We maintain two sprawling warehouses, packed with more than $4 million worth of PVF supplies, and deliver prompt fulfillment services to businesses across the country. Ordering is easy, and we even accept after-hours orders for emergency replenishments. To place an order for brass pipe or to learn more about our exceptional service, contact FIP today.